animation quartet

  • Animation Quartet #1

    2015, 2’00

  • AnimationQuartet interview

    Congaborealis is an online platform from San Francisco connecting art from the north and the south and they enjoy…

  • film work screening at ZUMZEIG Cinema

    Zumzeig Cinema Coop in Barcelona dedicates a day to experimental animation. Nov 25th 11:00 am. Animation workshop. Book a place.…

  • We met MostraFilmsDones

    Proud of being part of an amazing animated program at 25a Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones. Barcelona. Martina Rogers…

  • New screenings of AnimationQuartet#1

    June 23rd Cinema Gelnhausen, Germany, Visual Music Award Show 2017. June 18-25 Melbourne International Animation Festival.  July 13th Mostra…

  • Thanks for coming!

    CRANC #08: Laura Ginés L’obra de Laura Ginés és heterogènia i alhora marcada per un clar segell personal. La selecció…

  • AnimationQuartet#1 in Karlsruhe

    Our film AnimationQuartet#1 will be in sixth edition of the most abstract festival in the world, only dots and lines. October…

  • Animation Quartet #1 in Dérapage16

    Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que notre film Animation Quartet #1 à été sélectionné pour être projeté lors…

  • First screening of Animation Quartet #1

    Tengo Miedo and Animation Quartet #1 are part of the animated programme: Marabunta. 19 December 2015. 11.00h / 16.30h Hangar, Barcelona. Curator: Marcel Pié…

  • SomCinema + Animac Lleida

    Somcinema and Animac invited me to talk about my work to celebrate the International Animation Day. Gràcies, agradable vetllada ahir…