our notebooks

  • workshop in Wrocław

    November 2020. Animation workshop about found object as a flip-book. I’ve been invited by Agnieszka Jarząb to work with…

  • December screenings

    Dec 21st El Dia Més Curt festival programs Our notebooks. It’s the short film suggested by L’Alternativa Film Festival to participate…

  • Our Notebooks at Barcelona Independent Film Festival

    New screening of our animated project at L’Alternativa 2018, in Hall Selects Program. Nov 16th 6:15 pm and…

  • ‘Our Notebooks’ at La Volta until July 5th

    Les nostres llibretes, the exhibition about this animated project, can be visited at La Volta (Plaça de l’Assumpció, 15. Girona) until July…

  • Exhibition opening

    June 7th 7:30 pm Opening of the exhibition ‘Les nostres llibretes’ a wip animated project by Laura Ginès at La Volta,…