teaching animation

  • Ritme i accent

    June 2021. Text on paper animation workshop. I’ve been invited by Germán Chamorro to work with graphic design students of Escola ILLA.…

  • Women Make! at Lav Madrid

    I’ve been invited to share my work within the program Women Make! of Lav Madrid. Thank you so…

  • workshop in Wrocław

    November 2020. Animation workshop about found object as a flip-book. I’ve been invited by Agnieszka Jarząb to work with…

  • Bioscopi ·· animated identity stories

    Produced by CCCB is a proposal to give people a voice, a tool to create small identity stories…

  • workshop at Cineteca Madrid

    Mancha y chasquido. Animation on paper workshop for any age participants. Oct 17th-18th. Animario’20, Festival Internacional de Animación Contemporánea…

  • short walk during quarantine

    March 2020. We went for a walk. Together. With students of Máster en Ilustración y Cómic ELISAVA: Daniel…

  • Once upon a time…

    This picture was taken on March 3rd at Escola Illa (Sabadell, Barcelona) during a workshop with illustration students. Unfortunately…

  • PyRformance by AHIPF in Poland

    We’re going to Poland, with colleagues of Ahomeinprogressfilm. We are going to lead a workshop and a performance…

  • Quantum physics and animation

    With AHIPF‘s team we were responsible again of the animation workshop for kids at the CCCB (Barcelona) summer camp. This year…

  • Collect to animate

    Tancat per inventari has been a weekend animation workshop in Girona. We’ve been happy gleaners and animators, and all…

  • A single day with students of LCI Barcelona

    Last Friday I spent the morning with graphic design students of LCI Barcelona. We were animating words and…

  • Two workshops at Escola Illa Sabadell

    I’ve visited twice Escola ILLA at Sabadell during the lasts months, to work with their Graphic Design and Illustration…

  • 2nd edition of BAU gif workshop

    November 16th will start the animated GIF workshop I’ll teach at Escola BAU, Barcelona. BAU’s Workshops are proposed specialized…